Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Discovery on the day of applying for SIN card - SINカード申請日の珍道中

SIN card in Canada?

To apply for province medical, you need SIN number. To work, you need SIN number. This will let you to stand at a start line in Canada. 

1st I like to talk about application for SIN card after permanent residence via family class in Edmonton. This was quite quick process. I took a way of process in person.

Where I visit is Service Canada on 9700 Jasper Ave located in downtown.

When I entered the building, I head to information booth since lots of sections were on the main floor. The way to go was the section at the end on right side. I saw a line of people.  I joined in it and my turn came.  When I requested application for SIN card showing a paper proof of landing (as still my PR card is on a way), a lady gave me a small sheet of form.
What I filled up is my mother's full name at birth and my father's and present address. A bit curious about  why? parents' information in a long distance.  Maybe because of family class?  Never mind.

Sooner or later, a man called my first name and took me to a counter booth.  When we sat, he introduced his name and started with paper work.  Just several simple questions such as "1st time to apply?" "What is postal code?" "Any question?"etc. About 10 minutes and every thing was done.  The card will be coming in about2 weeks.  Process itself was very simple and first.

本日、早速SIN カードを申請してきました。SINカードって?


訪れた所はここエドモントンダウンタウンにあるService Canada。住所は9700 Jasper Ave。ビル内に入ると、たくさんのセクションがずらり。とりあえず、中央にあるインフォメーションセンターに行く事に。行くべきところは、その先をずっと通り越して、右手側一番終わりのセクションになります。人が並んでいるので、私も混じらせて頂く事にしました。順番が来たので、一言「最近移民になったばかりなのですが、SINカードを申請したいです。」と。すると係員の方が「永住カードは?」と。私の場合もうじき郵送で来るので、かわりにその証明になる用紙を添えました。その後は、小さいフォームを渡され「記入して名前を呼ばれるまで待ってて下さい。」と。何を記入するのかな?と思ったら、なぜか、両親の生まれた時のフルネームでした。ちょっと「えっ何でこんな情報が?」と不思議に思いましたが。あとは、現住所でした。しばらくして、別の係員に名前を呼ばれ、その方についていく事に。ついていった先は、カウンセラーブースのひとつ。お互いに座ったら、「僕の名前は~~~」と軽い紹介から始まり、2~3の簡単な質問がなされました。「申請は初めて?」「郵便番号は?」「他に質問は?」等々。SINカードは2週間程で郵送されてくるらしいです。おおよそ、10分程であっという間に終わりました。それよりも、実はこの手続き中、重大な事に気づいてしまい、気がそわそわ。それは。。。

During this process, my mind was quite stirring for some reasons. I discovered "No house key" "No cel phone" in my purse. "Oh my god, really? That doesn't sound good..."  I don't know why this happened. But it happened. I always ask to make sure to the other "You got cel phone, house key?"  Today I was the one who missed all of those.

So the other story today is
What if you left house key and cel phone behind in the house?

Answer is not only one.  But for sure simple enough, you better remember any contact number that comes in first in your mind. That will lead you eventually to get any help in emergency. Or getting a list of memo. Better to just wait for time to pass by.
That was my fault and it was worth to have such an inconvenient experience. I felt embarrassed myself and yet there was no time to stay in that state. Without any help and cooperation of people, I couldn't make it. Thanks to my husband, owner of my unit, condominium building management staff and people on my way of all who communicated and helped me today, I am at home now. Also I had such a lot of thinking of "how I should do?" to correspond with more than 3 people in 3 different places without any civilized tools.  How thankful it is to have a good owner of unit when I rent it.  This is some of what I learned today.

I actually detoured to get into the condo building and home since I didn't know emergency buzz number to a building management.  For this reason, I first traveled to find a pay phone to ask help to make a phone call.  "Hotel or shopping mall must have it"  Surprisingly or I should have known it... Not so many have pay phone any more nowadays. Luckily the pay phone at Fairmont Hotel Macdonald worked for help 1st. I was panicked calling while hearing their ambassador dog calling. I could use $1,$5,$10,$25 coin, credit card. Afterward a couple more time to call... I moved around to make another calls believing easy to find a pay phone.  It turned out to be that not at all or some didn't work properly. Eventually I reached public library through customer desk at city center shopping mall. A staff showed one pay phone downstairs. By the time, timing was good and I was ready to go home by running for some reasons.   





そして、「どうしよう。。。」とあせりつつも、パニックになってる暇はなく、「携帯やスマホなしに、タイミングよくどうやって連絡をとったらよいのだろうか?」と頭をかかえました。がとりあえず、公衆電話を探す事に。運よく、出くわしたFairmont Hotel Macdonaldに、訪れると「奥にありますよ。」との事。救われた気がしました。ここのホテルの大使犬の鳴き声をききながら、第1コールをする事ができました。ここから先、数回はタイミングをみてコールをする必要があったのですが、じっとしていたらいいものを、動きまわってしまいました。公衆電話なら簡単に見つかると思い込んでたのです。こんなに苦労するとは思いませんでした。「ホテルやショッピングモールならあるだろう。」と思っていたら、ないです。当たり前と言えば当たり前なのかもしれませんが、最近は、便利なツールが普及した時代。途中、数箇所あったと思ったら、うまい事、動いてくれず。。。結局最後に、タイミングよくあったのが、ダウンタウンの図書館の地階にある穴場な公衆電話でした。スタッフが教えてくれました。無事コンドミニアム内に入れて、家のドアもあける事ができる為のラストコールをする事ができました。

 In the last, I have a small question for a rare case, probably 1% out of 100. Living without any mobile tools must be very obsolete idea however I wonder if every one has a mobile phone.  what if people or traveller without the tools must use phone on the street or in public for some reasons?  That must be very... I just imagined.



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