"This could be Episode2 ?"
I found myself running into 2nd summer in Edmonton. Time flies. First of all, who I am is same:) and yet something new makes a difference in this summer already for me. Thanks to every one's support, I find myself being where I am now.
"Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump?" "Writing On Stone Park?" "I've heard about that since sightseeing spots that Alberta recommends for this summer." Yes. Those were just on the road to my permanent residence of procedure at Canada & U.S border. So I like to start with findings about South Alberta sightseeing spots as a new comer in Canada.
It is good idea to hub Lethbridge which is about 5 hour drive from Edmonton. Lethbridge is 1 size smaller than Edmonton with options of dining, staying, sightseeing, historical site and festivals. It's 1~2hours drive away from some of world heritage sites. Residences seemed to be new?! On a road, green with red skin lands captured my eye. If time allows, staying in a camp at national park would be great option of course.
Edmontonからだと正直、5時間はかかる、Lethbridge。Edmontonを一回り小さくした規模の市ですが、ホテル、レストラン、観光スポット、ジャズフェスティバルなどもあるきれいな街です。 ここを拠点に西へ東へはたまた南へ、1~2時間で行けるスポットがたくさんあります。Writing On Stone Park と Head Smashed in Buffalo Jumpもそのうちのひとつ。時間のある方は、国定公園のキャンプ場で泊まると更によいと思います。
Writing On Stone Park ...
This is a very good place where you imagination will be stirred as one picture writing on the stone possibly has several meaning. Some of them have certain translation while most not. It's up to you somehow. For example, you see this picture, this could be a human playing with rope or carrying something...
Bottom line is this site used to be a sacred spot where spirit comes and people visit to communicate with. When I took a photo of flowers, one lady talked to me,"do you like flowers?" She talked about flower festival in the other city of South Alberta as she likes flowers. Interesting is that we are nowadays doing the same, you see. A guide lady talks about translation, story behind, geography etc. When you ask, she has lots of answers. By the way, she looked like Jody Foster for me.
Taking photos are welcomed except touching. Bring a camera with good lens or binocular as some of them are up high. It's a kind of trail walking with plants, flowers and possibly snakes in sunny dry weather with wind. Prepare yourself with a bottle of water, sunglasses,long pants, wind jacket and comfy shoes with toe covered. In the trail course, there are some benches so that you can sit and rest too. Peaceful, mysterious and powerful spot.
ただ一つだけ、言えるのは、ここはその昔とても神聖な場所で、スピリットが降りる所とされたそう。そのスピリットとコンタクトをとる為に、人々は訪れたそうです。今の時代も結局気が付いたら同じ事してるんでは? 私が近辺のお花を撮っていたら、一人の女性に「お花好きですか?」と言われました。きっと彼女も好きなのか。「アルバータの南部の都市でお花のフェスティバルをやってるわよ。」と会話してくれました。ガイドの女性の方は、壁画の解釈、それにまつわる物語、地理的なこと等々を、細かく説明してくれます。聞けば、山ほど答えてくれます。私が行った時のガイドさんは、Jody Foster似の方でした。ベッキーさんだったかな?
Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump ...
This used to be a site where people drove buffalo to jump over cliff only to be dead. It sounds awful but both people and animal were always facing to a moment of dead or alive in the old days. There is story behind about a brave man too. Head Smashed... is named after that story. On the contrary to the past history, scenery and atmosphere are very open, peaceful and comfortable. I didn't go in actually since it was before opening hours when I visit. I can only talk about its entrance and trail open to public. I had a nice meeting with cute animal. "As far as I can see" view are quite common in Alberta when you drive. The view from entrance of Head Smashed... makes me return to myself. More to enjoy when you enter.
この高台に立つと、見渡す限りなんてだだっ広いんだと感じるはず。余計な物がないんです。思わず我に戻ります。これと裏腹に、ここはかつて、人々がバッファローを捕まえる為に、崖っぷちに追いやっていた殺伐とした所でした。昔は、人も動物も命を懸けた真剣勝負だったんでしょうね。この地の名前は、当時の勇敢な男性の物語にちなんでつけられたそうです。実は、開園前に到着したので、入り口からつながるトレイルをちょこっと、お散歩してきました。入り口では、愛くるしい動物とご対面。開園中は、フィルム上映や、プレゼンテーションも楽しめます。Caution! Wild animals。と書いてたので、ちょっとドキドキしましたが、運よく熊もクーガーも出くわしませんでした。ほっ。
Cross Iron Mills Outlet Shopping Mall...
This was just on the way back from south to Edmonton. Its neighbor city is actually Calgary. I'm not that shopping butterfly but really like its ambiance. First I entered in Outdoor World. All the wild animal displays and a kind of open space welcomed me. All the hunting stuffs were upstairs. I found it very Albertan. On the day I visit was around Father's Day. A blast of sale and long line. Outside, some kind of event for kid's hockey were going on. At the food court, there were 4 seasons trees of panels. That's interesting. If you have a chance to drive down or up, then this is great place to shop.
エドモントンに帰る途中に、カルガリー近辺だと思いますが、アウトレットモール発見。そんなに、典型的なショッピングマニアではないのですが、ここのアウトレットなかなか感じがいいです。Outdoor Worldというアウトドア、ハンティングの店舗も併設していて、いきなり入ると、動物やハンティングのディスプレイが非常に自然に豪快なセッティングで迎えてくれます。アルバータやなぁ。と思う瞬間でした。ちょうど父の日だったのか、どこも大セール中に人の行列。フードコートには、木の四季の移り変わりをパネルでセッティング。風情ですなぁ。外では、ホッケー姿のお子様達がいっぱいでした。足をのばす機会があればぜひ、お薦め。