Saturday, March 2, 2013

At the bookstore in neighbor - 近所の本屋にて

Signature kitty

Which one?
This one.



That one

Thursday, February 28, 2013

John from CBC Edmonton at City Hall Skate Rink - CBCエドモントンのJohnさんat市庁舎スケートリンク

I like to introduce John.  Who is he?

He shoots a shot, records a scene, coordinates space and edits his works. Looks like it is filled with stitches of work.  He enjoys how he stitches on a canvas.  Looks like busy.  He says,"Very creative. I enjoy it."

I found myself exchanging shooting with him and enjoying the day. "Thanks for sharing interesting work, John"

One moment I saw "him speaking to an Edmontonian with tools", then next 'Ow!' "speaking in front of tools by himself on a skate rink".  I was supposed to go home on the way back from dealing with different stuffs.  He made me stop by skate rink in front of City Hall. 






Skate rink ( Feb 28 2013)

Coordinating space and angle with an
 Edmontonian help.

A bit of chat

Snapshot exchange

It was at noon when we were just there.  Here is a short video of  How John worked along with Noon Face of City Hall.


Edmonton Journal - エドモントン地元新聞

Today I like to introduce local newspaper +Edmonton Journal .

What made me to do this?

I used to be far from a person who read a newspaper. I was not an initiator who subscribed "Edmonton Journal".  I found myself being one of their readers everyday. I feel they are contributing themselves to local people. They are something or somebody. Here is more.

今回は、ちょこっとエドモントン地元新聞+Edmonton Journal を紹介したいと思います。

実は、私は新聞を読むような人間ではありませんでした。 この+Edmonton Journal の購読申し込みをしたのは私ではないです。今は、すっかり毎日読んでます。
Click for the lartger view

Some writers and photographers have been nomitated in National titled competetion.
Here is interesting video from them. Take a transition look at here


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Transforming Edmonton (Master Plan) - エドモントンダウンタウンChurchill Squareエリア開発計画

Today was the day for city of Edmonton to present a long span (20 year) of plan for development of public space around Churchill Square all the way to River Valley.  To see what will Edmonton look like, the best way for me was to see images than to read the detail of letter.  The details are still coming in a way along with another brainstorming day by day and year by year.

At first glance, "Oh". It felt me so familiar with me somehow.  "Pedestrian friendly with seanson of trees."  "Mixed used project for Music hall."  "Culture Carpet"  zone is where people can exchange unique art? hopefully something new or heritaged not only worldwide or locally but also private level?  People should have such "one". I'm excited to see how this area will be transforming since this area has been associated with me a lot since i came here.

Churchill Square will be a hub station where people can travel from. 

A town grows in 10 - 15 years which is normal course. 

I like to introduce City's plan with panel of pictures as they are. 


「おや」何やら、親しみのある風景を感じました。私が越してきてから何かとお世話になった広場Churchill Square一帯と、あのRiver Valleyとがつながって、「カルチャーカーペット」と呼ばれるゾーンができあがりそうです。そして歩行者に優しい緑な通り。カルチャーエクスチェンジができるようなエリアかな? ここで遺産になりそうな文化を紹介できたりするといいなぁ。なんて思いました。世界レベルではなくても、個人レベルでも「これは」って物がきっとあるはずです。

そして、Churhcill SquareがLRT(通勤、通学、観光の足になり得る列車)ハブステーションに。ここからどこへでも行けるようになりそうです。

Click for a larger view