I stop to look back the year 2012 - 2013 and find myself weird again. "How come I became a tweeter like this?" I think every one has a season of cycle. I at least am one of those folks. I like to tweet in some seasons while not in the others. "When do I feel like to tweet and not?" "Timing?" No clue.
Now "what is a classic attraction in Edmonton?", asking it to myself. I find it "Artistic Sky in Edmonton" after all. It's just like I can enjoy an interesting image on a canvas called "Sky" whatever day it is.
I have written like this, "This year I like to see ..." in a past story on this blog. Indeed I find myself walking in variety of old and new people one by one. What we write down seem to come true. Sounds weird once again. This blog became a mandala sand picture for me. It turn out to be that my mission is to accomplish this blog in a year since I started last year. Now I like to complete Episodes by redoing annual Jam cooking. Nothing more, Nothing less. Zero. It's time to let it go with completion. Thank you for taking time to feel ? ! :) :0 lol :S :/ ;) ...
今年もブラックベリーの季節がやって来たぞぉ!「そしてやっぱり今年もジャム作り」を迎えるにあたり、ここエドモントンで無事1年を生きのびたのを実感:) まずは、皆様に季節はずれの挨拶を申し上げます。ありがとうございました。この言葉が一番、シンプルでそして私が好きな言葉です。
この1年を改めて振り返ってみて、なんだか摩訶不思議。主婦、そして風来坊だったのですが、なんだかいつもやる事があり、充実しておりました。これも、色んなかたちで皆さんに影響を与えられ、そして皆さんに押される事があったりとしたお陰でもあります。それよりも、「よくもまぁ、よもやま話を色々とつぶやいたものだなぁ。」と。どうも、人には周期があるのではないかと思います。「つぶやきたいなぁ。」と思える時と、そうではない時と。私は、少なくともそういう人間でした。このタイミングは? よくわかりません。そして去年の9月に始めたこのブログをちょうど1年で完成させるのが、いつのまにか私なりのミッションのようなものになっていました。少し早いですが、個人的な理由もあり、ここは時を端折って戴けると幸いです。
今まで、このブログに立ち止まって、一緒に ? ! :) :0 lol :S :/ ;) ...と感じて戴き有難うございます。これ、こっちでよく使う顔文字。日本と少し違いますねぇ。またまたよもやまはさておき。。。それでは、恒例ジャム作りをもう一度完了する事で、エドモントンでのエピソードを完了させて頂きたいと思います。出来たブログの砂絵は、自然に帰ればいいか。と思います。それ以上も以下も何もないです。ゼロ0。
"Does Edmonton have a 4-season?" "How it sounds like?"
Yes. Then a digital photo album book is in completion. It's just an entrance to virtual tour in Edmonton along with 4 season's experience.
Yes. Then a digital photo album book is in completion. It's just an entrance to virtual tour in Edmonton along with 4 season's experience.
ついでに、エドモントンの写真集「VIA Edmonton」のできあがり。
題して「Edmonton 4 Seasons」「Edmonton Footprint」。
I will pop up myself on Thought when I like to express. - bowing ! Rei! -
風来坊で、四方山ポップアップさせて頂きます。 - お辞儀 礼! -
Preparation 準備 1:
*4 pack of black berry
(accomodating 500m of water/pack ... just for reference)*ブラックベリー4パック
Preparation 準備 2:
*Sugar 500m jar x 2 (Could be white & 1.7~2.0 x 500m jar)
*More sugar is suitable for preservation in a long run*Can be preserved in 6 ~ 12 months in a condition of cool temperature free from light.
*砂糖 500mビン X 2(白砂糖でもOK & ビン1.7~2.0個分OK)
Preparation 準備 3:
*kit for sterilization by boiling
(This time 3 x 500m jar)*煮沸キット
(今回はジャム詰め用に500mビン x 3をとりあえず準備)
Preparation 準備4:
*Moving berries to a strainer.
Preparation 準備 5:
*Because you like to rinse them with a gentle flow of water getting rid of some leaves and stuffs.
Preparation 準備 6:
*Pot 1
*Go for sterilization by boiling during getting berries in a rest a bit.*After sterilization done, keep the heat of Pot 1 minimum for later use.
Cooking 調理 1:
*Pot 2
*Go for cooking! Heat up to high.*Dump berries into a Pot 2.
Cooking 調理 2:
*Next, Sugar!
Cooking 調理 3:
*Looks too much sugar?!
*No worry. Ok this much of sugar.
*Berries are actually lots as deep as a pot is.*そんな事ないです。鍋風呂が深い(日本のバスタブと同じく)ので、
Cooking 調理 5:
*Fusion of sugar & berries in 5~10mins.
*Still you can feel "berries are here firmly".*Heat down to middle.
Cooking 調理 6:
*Transform from Sugar & berries to a jam
*Stir them in the rest of the time.*When the "berries's touch is gone",then
Cooking 調理 7:
*It's time to move a jam to a jar.
Cooking 調理 8:
*About this much.
*Less air in a jar is suitable for preservation in a long run like 6-12 months.*だいたいこの辺りまで。 空気の隙間が少ない方が長期保存向き。
Cooking 調理 9:
*Now oven gloves needed because very hot.
*Close a jar with a lid tightly. *ここで、鍋つかみ登場。熱いので気をつけましょう。
Cooking 調理 10:
*Move jam-filled jars into a Pot 1.
*Now heat it up to high again. *できあがったジャム入りビンを、煮沸で使用した鍋風呂1にもう一度浸からせます。
Cooking 調理 11:
*Final sterilization by boiling.
*Half bathing *About 5 minutes boiling
Cooking 調理 12:
*Take jars out of the pot.
*Wipe with a clear towel.*Listen to "Pop!" sounds normally after some while when an inner lid gets pulled down by air from inside a jar.
*Completion (2.5 x 500m jar)
*出来上がり。 (出来高:ちょうど500mのビン x 2.5個分)
Advice:This is my heritage custom. Could be "?!" way for you since I blended a family
tradition with my way. The truth is that...
"It has been working for me." Please follow the way as you like.
This is a junction for you.
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